5.7. Card Scoring by NSPK


Card scoring is the additional security check of Customer’s (Payer or Receiver) bank card by NSPK which helps to prevent fraud and assess potential risks. Direct Card Scoring Flow contains card number, card mask (first 6 and last 4 digits) or card token (Card Reference ID) in initial API request.

Card Scoring Flow

participant "Connecting Party"
participant "SBC"
"Connecting Party" -> "SBC":Card scoring order request by NSPK\n/api/scoring/v1/score
activate "SBC"
"SBC" --> "Connecting Party":Card scoring by NSPK response
deactivate "SBC"
"Connecting Party" -> "SBC":Card scoring order request by NSPK\n/api/scoring/v1/status
activate "SBC"
"SBC" --> "Connecting Party":Card scoring by NSPK response
deactivate "SBC"

(1) Connecting party initiates card scoring by NSPK with HTTPS POST request to the /api/scoring/v1/score.
(2) SBC system returns response with Order ID assigned to NSPK card scoring request.
(3) Connecting party gets the result with HTTPS GET request to the /api/scoring/v1/status. Connecting party should use Scoring status API calls to get the scoring status until final scoring status is received.
(4) SBC system returns response with card scoring response data set.