1.6. Server-to-Server Account Verification by SBP
Account verification is a non-financial transaction, which allows to validate and register Payer’s account information. This verification procedure helps to prevent potential fraudulent activity and meet industry-specific compliance obligations, as well as to simplify future payments with this account. Server-to-Server integration allows Connecting Party to offer a Payer the option to validate the account information and register via SBP QR Code, directly received and displayed to Payer by Connecting Party.
SBP Account Verification Flow
(2) To implement sale request see /api/v2/account-verification/.
(4,11) To implement order status request see /api/v2/status/. Status should be requested multiple times with 3-5 seconds interval until QR code or final status is received.
(6) Connecting party sends received QR code to Payer.
(7) Payer scans the QR code to pay.
(9) To implement callback with final status handling see Connecting Party Callback.